It's November, here in the UK the nights are closing in dramatically and the wind bites with more vigour.
Unhappy? Trapped? Stuck in a Cycle...this isn’t Tron, this is life...join me Click Here for Your FREE Meditation Gift
My new and wonderful online course, The Mindful Imagination Online Experience, is gathering momentum. The process is very simple and all thanks to Mailchimp, which was daunting at first but you begin to understand the way it works. I would like to invite you to join my mailing list and receive an introduction to my online course. Once joined I will ask you to purchase the course, and that is indeed up to you; but here are the benefits:
Modern Meditation = anytime anywhere feel good moments that are quick and easy
Arts to understand your emotions and begin to open up and say hello to the real you inside
Make you the Hero of your story = you are the central focus, begin to love yourself and stay strong
Create your route map to achieving goals using movies, I know, it's true, I have a theory for you
Plus you get an introduction and farewell from me; that's 6 modules for £28.99 - which is about $34.
👀SAY YES! And come inside the power of your imagination to boost confidence, boost your immune system and help problem solve. It's way cool and my main focus was to make this FUN. The wonderful thing about my style of mindfulness is that you can make it relevant to anything that you use in your life: ALL ART FORMS.
You like soaps and not galleries - cool; you like action movies and not indie cinema - cool. Your choice of art is perfect for your entry into the Mindful Imagination Experience
It's entirely about you and what it is to be you. I want to celebrate you and all your wonderfully crazy idiosyncrasies; I mean, we're all mad to someone.
“Find out who you are and start doing it on purpose.” 💭
Click here for a secret I wish to share with you and how I am achieving the success that I am.
The point is that this Mindful Experience that I created last year was supposed to be a show in 2020 for schools and businesses where I taught in person with music and games and laughter. Well, that didn't happen.
The truth is right up there. It's all there, right in the above statement. Start living the life you want, and start to believe in it. I know that times are hard and Covid has been devastating for so many people. I understand that lives have been shattered and jobs have been lost. While it is important to acknowledge, it is also important to begin the process of moving forward.
I have lost loved ones to illness, I know how difficult it is to grieve and shake the emotion off; but I have also learnt that those we have lost do not wish for us to be stuck in a trap. The traps are all about us:
But there is a way to change things, in fact, if you are unhappy or stuck it is your duty to yourself to begin to chart your way to something different. It may seem daunting, if you are in a bad job or relationship, but all it takes is one step and then a new world begins to open up before you.
Life is precious, and it is also a game. We experience the world in our own unique ways. Take charge of your world, and if you see that it is not how you want to paint it then change the picture. One brush stroke at a time.
Join me on socials and I will say hello.
To finish for this post, I only want to wish you well. Please stay strong, focussed, and healthy. When things get shit think about the stuff you have that makes you happy. That could be a person, a meal, a film or piece of music. There may be an image that you have which makes you feel good. It is important to feel good, especially when the world may seem a scary and prohibited place. Change is coming, and in order to achieve that change you have to go through some bad stuff.
The results may be beautiful, if we all stick together.
The following ADS are for my books and some stuff that I like, they are affiliated and I will get a minor reward for each click.
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