It pays to be normal.
Giants always bow; ants do not stop, perhaps they never sleep. Yet colour is always an outstanding factor in life.
Just ask the traveller who guides you at the end of the rainbow.
Introducing Blake. A young man brought up on failure, fed on a diet of reprimand and authority; scared to follow his instinct and dreams. Until he is shown another way, another universe, that he can create in his mind.
Trust your instinct and grab your ideas to make them real. You can make them real, the illusion is the reality placed in front of us by a controlling and misshapen society, the majority of which is ruled through fear.
Love is in your imagination. Choose.
The Search for Representation. Writing is performing without actually performing...
I dunno...
Writing is performing with words....
whatevs, you need an audience. Every artiste needs an audience, even if it is only the cat. Therefore, swear on allegiance that an audience is what is being sought and pursued. The larger the audience, the larger the larder. Right?
Correct. Happy New Plan Month, and with great plans comes great responsibility. Get yourself a diary and get yourself out there.
FLANEURS OF THE WORLD UNITE. Not like bad-spellers, they generally untie.
Here's a little something I found in Maidstone one sunny Septembre afternoon.
A crumpled bicycle. (c) Zac Thraves 2019 A dismal reminder of the last decade? Perhaps. The last ten years have been transitional for the most part. Now I find myself ready and bursting with energy to move forward, in writing and performing. My novel, currently titled The Book of Blake, is written and on its 3rd draft. Help is now needed to take it the next level. I want to get it out there to the masses because I think it has a strong message, is fun, is exciting and I want to bring our world together. I think this story can offer us a different perspective to each other.
The message I choose for this 2020 decade is love. Spreading love in place of the hatred that spills from current affairs would be very welcome, and I wish that media outlets across the globe would channel into it. Ultimately we need to get along in order to survive on this planet, why do we make it so difficult for ourselves?
I'm looking to turn the spoon. Create the spark. Bend the reality and open up new doorways. New paths, much like the character in my latest E-Book, Quantum Lemons Squeezed. He falls into a light-pond of quantum travel, repeating his life over and over again. He knows not why. Picture Quantum Leap with the lit-pavements of Billie Jean.
Quantum Lemons Squeezed is available at Amazon, 99p UK. A novella of 10,000 words and it's fun.
Imagination is everything. It gets you out of situations and it builds your life from your dreams. Imaginations are better accessed through love and light. As a race, humans tend to repeat the same formulas and patterns because it has always worked like that. Well, I say, use your imagination to change the formula, you should change the outcome and make things better.
Do you remember...dah! Are we allowed to talk about Michael Jackson anymore or is he persona non grata? I get confused. Yet, you cannot deny his skill and his imagination. Almost child-like, which is a wonderful way to stay young. I know you can't tolerate or forgive weird or creepy behaviour, but a great way to empower your imagination is to look at situations through your inner child's eyes. Adults, let's be honest, regularly get it wrong.
Look at current flavour of the month in Hollywood, Taika Waititi. Revered for his brilliant and quirky take on Marvel with THOR: RAGNAROK. He currently has the oddity that is JOJO RABBIT at cinemas and will soon be lensing Thor: Love & Thunder. We need people who see the world differently, sadly, we need those types of people in positions of power and influence away from the arts.
Just imagine working for someone like WILLY WONKA at a factory. I think that would be great, and a slap in the face to old farts who think that being nasty and aggressive is the way to success. It's not, but we are 'stuck' in that philosophy - repeating the same old crap because it worked 35 years ago.
Do you remember...Tim Burton? He was considered a kooky, wayward, eccentric genius, because he made movies that were interesting with characters who were singled out as odd. But, we're all odd in our own ways aren't we?
Society creates that divide. Be free to be who you want to. Society created Batman as much as it did The Joker.
That's it for now. Stay in your own imaginations and see how it goes. Coming Soon, I shall be exploring imaginations further by taking a little show of mine to local schools. I hope it works, and I hope to convince as many as possible that trusting in YOU is a marvellous step forward.
Zac Thraves is a Writer and Performer from the UK. Find him @28thraves.
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